C. Ajo-Franklin Lab


Bug & Electrode
Caroline Ajo-Franklin







Welcome to the Ajo-Franklin Research Group!

We are a research group at Berkeley Lab in the hills above the UC Berkeley campus. We use biophysics and synthetic biology to engineer and explore the nanoscale interface between living microbes and inorganic materials. We are particularly interested in the basic mechanisms underlying charge transfer and assembly of materials at this living/non-living interface.  Ultimately, our research has applications in carbon capture and sequestration, bio-solar energy generation, and hierarchical assembly of nanostructures.

Our lab is part of the Molecular Foundry,  a Nanoscience User Facility which provides outside researchers (“Users”) with the instrumentation, in-house expertise and multidisciplinary environment necessary to pursue research that can benefit from or contribute to nanoscience. If you think your research could benefit from our expertise, please contact us!

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[Last Updated 11/15/12]